The Radical KingdomTom Purdy : How much of the Kingdom is in me? How much of the faith of Jesus and the reality of His Kingdom, is displayed in my daily life? What demand does God’s kingdom lay upon us? How does one receive this life?WATCH:LISTEN:newDAY Church · The radical Kingdom – Tom Purdy
Understanding the Kingdom of God
Understanding the Kingdom of GodTeaching Series Have we perhaps substituted the message OF Jesus with (only) a message ABOUT Jesus?WATCH:Below is a video Playlist – top left is a box that tells you how many videos are in the playlist. You can choose which one you want to play. Each week a new one will be added and will be displayed …
A Fit and Strong Church | Greig Garratt
A Fit and Strong ChurchTeaching Series God wants to transform chaos and possibility into something good. We are called into partnership by God as participators of bringing chaos into good. It places worth and responsibility upon every single human being.WATCH:Below is a video Playlist – top left is a box that tells you how many videos are in the playlist. You …
The Disruptive Kingdom | Jarrod Judge
The disruptive KingdomJarrod JudgeThe Kingdom of God is an invading Kingdom, it is one that is coming to remove all other rulers and principalities.WATCH:LISTEN:newDAY Church · The disruptive Kingdom – Jarrod Judge
Keeping Perspective on God | Evadne Fourie
Keeping Perspective on GodEvadne FourieOne of the amazing things about the promises of God is that He does not give up on them or us. No matter our detours or doubtsWATCH:LISTEN:newDAY Church · Keeping perspective on God – Evadne Fourie
The Glory of the Incarnation | Greig Garratt
The Glory of the IncarnationGreig GarrattChristmas morning message – This is the time of year when we Christians celebrate the incarnation of the Son of God, and we remember the enormity of God’s grace poured out to us in the sending of His Son.WATCH:LISTEN:newDAY Church · The glory of the Incarnation – Greig Garratt
Rest | Mike Gooch
Rest (The Faith/Rest Life)Mike Gooch shares the following message: Physically in the Natural, God has made everything that the human race could ever need. Spiritually – God has provided and made a way for salvation, and relationship with Him.WATCH:LISTEN:newDAY Church · Rest (You've already got it!) – Mike Gooch
What is God doing? | Joel Daniel
What is God Doing?Joel Daniel pastor/elder from Redemption City Church, Denver CO visits newDAY to update us on what God is doing.WATCH:LISTEN:newDAY Church · What is God doing_ – Joel Daniel
The Indwelling Holy Spirit | Sermon Series
The Indwelling Holy SpiritSermon SeriesThe Christian life is not a ritual or a set of teachings but a relationship—a relationship with God through His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was given to make the Christian life experiential—to make Jesus real, not only in your understanding but also in your life.WATCH:Below is a video Playlist – top left is a box …
Thriving in the Desert | Ladies Ministry
Thriving in the DesertChanelle RossouwWATCH:LISTEN:newDAY Church · Thriving in the desert – Chanelle Rossouw