It's time to sing again!
Teaching Series from the prophecies of DanielWe live in trying and challenging times – but the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever. What we pay attention to, shapes our thinking, which influences our lives. It’s time to sing with our lives at the goodness of God again.
Below is a video Playlist - top left is a box that tells you how many videos are in the playlist. You can choose which one you want to play. Each week a new one will be added and will be displayed in this box.
Below are all the ways to watch and listen. The first is a "Playlist" - a collection of the entire mini-series in one place. This option will play the entire collection. You can also download this playlist to your device by clicking on the "download arrow" under the soundcloud logo.
Below you'll find the individual files - listen directly here or download to your device by clicking in the little "download arrow" next to the "share box".